Past Webinars Available for On-Demand Viewing

Webinar: Doing Research with LGBTQ+ Populations
Presenter: Lindsay Palmer, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate working with Dr. Sherry Pagoto
When: Thursday, April 13th, 12:00PM Eastern
Details: This webinar provided an overview of best practices and demographic style questions for research with LGBTQ+ populations.

Webinar: Health Information Exchange in Connecticut and Beyond
Presenter: Thomas P. Agresta, M.D., M.B.I.; Chair, Professor, and Director of Medical Informatics, Department of Family Medicine; Director of Clinical Informatics, Center for Quantitative Medicine
When: Thursday, March 16th, 12:30PM Eastern
Details: This webinar provided an overview of Health Information Exchange (HIE), including its history, value, and future opportunity. Dr. Agresta discussed the progress made to date in Connecticut by Connie, the State’s official HIE, as well as the national landscape of HIE.

Webinar: Everything You Need to Know About NIH F31 Dissertation Fellowships
Presenter: Sherry Pagoto, PhD & Jared Goetz, PhD Candidate
When: Thursday, February 16th, 12PM Eastern
Details: In this webinar, participants learned about NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowships from a professor who mentors them and a graduate student who successfully received one. Participants learned about how to prepare for an F31, the sections of the grant, how to build a mentor team, and tips, tricks, and common mistakes to avoid.

Webinar: Using Implementation Science to Increase Reach of mHealth Interventions in Clinical Settings
Presenter: Megan O’Grady, PhD
When: Wednesday, January 11th, 12PM Eastern
Details: This webinar provided an overview of how implementation science methods and theories can increase the reach of mHealth interventions in clinical practice settings. Dr. O’Grady provided illustrative examples from a study examining the implementation of a text-messaging program for unhealthy alcohol use in emergency departments.

Webinar: Exploring Features of Interactive Media to Influence Health Motivations and Perceptions
Presenter: Saraswathi Bellur, PhD
When: Wednesday, December 7th, 1PM Eastern
Details: While it may seem evident that interactive media shape our health and well-being in profound ways, it is yet unclear on how or why they do so. This presentation explored ways in which we can make use of unique features of new media, such as interactivity, to boost individuals’ intrinsic motivation, and thereby encourage them to engage in preventive health behaviors, promote good health, and collective well-being.

Webinar: Fighting the Infodemic: Using News Literacy and Social Media to Combat Health Misinformation
Presenter: Marie Shanahan
When: Thursday, November 10th, 12PM Eastern
Details: Misinformation about health is driven by the ease of sharing in the digital age. In this webinar, UConn Journalism Department Head Prof. Marie K. Shanahan presents examples of how journalists and medical professionals have used social media to actively confront false health narratives and debunk them. She also explains how news literacy — knowledge of the standards of high-quality, evidence-based journalism — can help people decide what online health information to trust, share and act upon.

Webinar: Communication About Body Weight: Implications for Health Communication and Media
Presenter: Rebecca Puhl, PhD
When: Monday, October 17th, 12PM Eastern
Details: In this webinar, Dr. Puhl summarizes her research examining weight stigma in public health communication and the media, highlighting the impact of both visual images and language used to depict people with higher weight. In addition to demonstrating how stigmatizing communication negatively affects public attitudes and health behaviors, her work has identified youth and adult preferences for non-stigmatizing terminology in communication about body weight. Recent initiatives and strategies for reducing weight stigma in health communication are discussed.

Webinar: Social Media Use and Its Impact on Wellbeing
Presenter: Marcus Stallworth, LMSW
When: Wednesday, September 21st, 2PM Eastern
Details: In this webinar, Marcus Stallworth from the UConn School of Social Work and Welcome 2 Reality, LLC examines the impact social media and technology plays on today’s society. We explore current trends, the need for advocacy, and efforts related to the passage of Public Act 17-67 in Connecticut.

Webinar: The Role of Youth Participatory Action Research in Combatting Social Media Stress
Presenter: Caitlin Elsaesser, MAT, LICSW, PhD
When: Monday, April 11th, 12PM Eastern
Details: Social media has become an ubiquitous force in the lives of young people. For youth growing up in neighborhoods with high rates of firearm access, social media conflicts can escalate to deadly offline violence. Youth participatory action research (YPAR) is a powerful approach to developing authentic, developmentally appropriate youth engagement in program design. This webinar provides lessons learned in collaborating with youth co-researchers to create an intervention model to address social media stress through collecting culturally informed, place-based data.

Webinar: Improving Nutrition-Related Outcomes of Refugees through Community-Engaged Research
Presenter: Abiodun Atoloye, PhD, MSc
When: Tuesday, March 15th, 12PM Eastern
Details: Refugees are one of the growing immigrant communities in the US and other countries. Because of language, culture, the drivers and impact of migration, and other factors, refugees have needs distinctively different from natives in the host countries. In this webinar, Dr. Abiodun Atoloye provides an overview of refugees’ nutrition & health before and after resettling in their host countries, evidence-based practices for success in nutrition education among refugees, and lessons learned in community-engaged research in the US.

Webinar: Everything You Need To Know About Midcareer K24 Awards
Presenters: Sherry Pagoto, PhD and Mike Copenhaver, PhD
When: Tuesday, February 22nd, 1PM Eastern
Details: NIH K24 awards provide support to mid-career health-professional doctorates or equivalent who are typically at the Associate Professor level for protected time to devote to patient-oriented research and to act as research mentors. In this webinar, Drs. Sherry Pagoto and Michael Copenhaver, recipients of K24 awards share their experiences and insights about K24 awards, describe the components of the application, and provide tips for preparing a successful application.

Webinar: Lessons Learned from Submitting My First “K” Award
Presenter: Eileen Carter, PhD, RN
When: Monday, January 10th, 12PM Eastern
Details: NIH and AHRQ “K” career development awards support postdoctoral and early career research scientists who are committed to developing an independent program of research and require advanced research training and additional experience to achieve this goal. In this webinar, Dr. Eileen Carter shared lessons she learned submitting her recent (first) “K” award, including how she found mentors at a new institution, how long it took to prepare, what roadblocks she ran into, and how she solved them.

Webinar: mHealth for Addressing CVD Disparities
Presenter: Jolaade Kalinowski, EdD
When: Wednesday, December 15th, 12PM Eastern
Details: Cardiovascular disease remains a leading cause of death and racial/ethnic disparities persist despite continued efforts. mHealth interventions are becoming an increasingly recognized tool for addressing CVD disparities. In this webinar, Dr. Kalinowski provided an overview of the feasibility, benefits, and barriers associated with mHealth interventions and CVD research.
*This webinar was not recorded (live webcast only).

Webinar: Research-Based Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Research
Presenter: Shiri Dori-Hacohen, PhD
When: Wednesday, November 3rd, 2PM Eastern
Details: In this webinar, Dr. Dori-Hacohen introduces attendees to the Lean LaunchPad methodology of research-based entrepreneurship and to the notion that research goals can (and sometimes, should) shift in response to market needs. LLP was created by Steve Blank and is the preferred mode of customer discovery recommended by the National Science Foundation. Regardless of whether you are an entrepreneur, a researcher, or work at a for-profit, governmental or non-profit org, this approach can help you clarify what are the biggest challenges facing the populations you serve. As a case study, we use Dr. Dori-Hacohen’s start-up, AuCoDe, grounding the webinar with a real-world example.

Webinar: Geographic Information System (GIS) for Social Media Research: Opportunities and Challenges
Presenter: Debs Ghosh, PhD, MPhil, MA
When: Thursday, October 28th, 1PM Eastern
Details: Social media is a powerful communication mechanism. Statista, a market research company, estimates that there are 2.77 billion regular users of social media today producing “big” datasets of commentary, criticism (or misinformation!), photos, and videos. Although this is a gold mine data for researchers, social media data is “big, messy, unstructured, and noisy”. The key concepts of Geographic Information Science and Systems (GIS) – place, time, and scale — can help data scientists understand the context and answer the questions about when and where of such data. This webinar explores with examples the spectrum of GIS applications of social media data, highlighting new opportunities as well as challenges.

Webinar: Improving Retention in Clinical Trials Research
Presenters: Danielle Jake-Schoffman, PhD, Sherry Pagoto, PhD, and Joe DiVito
When: Wednesday, September 29th, 1PM Eastern
Details: Retention in clinical trials is critical for assessing the efficacy of clinical interventions. Follow-up procedures post-intervention provide an opportunity to glean information from participants regarding their involvement and takeaways. In this webinar, Danielle Jake-Schoffman, Sherry Pagoto, and Joe DiVito discuss steps we can take to encourage greater participant involvement through follow-up assessments, including innovative procedures implemented pre-enrollment.

Webinar: Representation in Research: Recruiting Black Adults in Health Research
Presenter: Loneke Blackman Carr, PhD, RD
When: Friday, June 25 at 12PM Eastern
Details: Diversity in research continues to be a challenge to producing results relevant to an increasingly diverse American population. In this webinar we discuss strategies to improve the diversity of research participants, particularly Black adults. Dr. Loneke Blackman Carr shares her experience recruiting Black adults in weight control and cardiovascular disease research, plus evidence-based practices for success in diversifying research.

Webinar: Access to Care and Ethical Issues in the Use of mHealth for HIV Prevention in LMICs: A Case Example from Malaysia
Presenter: Roman Shrestha, PhD, MPH
When: Friday, March 19, 3PM Eastern
Details: Dr. Shrestha’s research is primarily centered on interventions and implementation science at the interface of HIV and substance use with a particular focus on HIV prevention and treatment issues. Specifically, his work emphasizes on the design, delivery, and placement of biomedical and behavioral interventions for optimal use in various settings both domestically and internationally. This webinar presents a case study using an mHealth app to promote HIV testing and linkage to HIV prevention services among sexual minority group (i.e., MSM and TGW) in Malaysia.

Webinar: Introduction to Social Network Analysis in mHealth and Social Media Research
Presenter: Ran Xu, PhD
When: Tuesday, February 23, 11AM Eastern
Details: Social network analysis is a set of unique theories and tools to examine the relationship between social structure and various behavioral and social outcomes of interest. It is particularly useful for mHealth and social media research as it is vital to understand how online social networks and interactions change people’s health knowledge and behavior. In this workshop, researchers learn about basic concepts and tools in social network analysis, including graph and network theory, measures of social networks, subgroup analysis, and network visualization, with examples of questions that can be answered by network approach in mhealth and social media research.

Webinar: What is a “K” Career Development Award and How To Get One Funded
Presenter: Sherry Pagoto, PhD
When: Wednesday, January 27, 12PM Eastern
Details: NIH “K” career development awards support postdoctoral and early career research scientists who are committed to developing an independent program of research and require advanced research training and additional experience to achieve this goal. Training awards are increasingly important to prepare investigators for R01 funding, indeed 37% of R01 holders have had a K award, a number that has increased by 3 fold in the last decade. This webinar will discuss the basics of K awards, funding rates, how to decide if a K is right for you, how to prepare to apply, common mistakes that negatively impact funding potential, and tips and tricks to prepare a successful application. Dr. Sherry Pagoto, Professor of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Connecticut, having mentored dozens of junior investigators in obtaining K awards, will lead this webinar and share her experience helping her mentees prepare successful K award proposals.

Webinar: Using Rtweet and NCapture to gather Twitter data.
Presenters: Molly Waring, PhD
When: Wednesday, December 9, 4-5PM
Details:This webinar demonstrates how to use two free tools for capturing data from Twitter – the Rtweet package in R and the NCapture add-on for Chrome. The webinar includes how to import the resulting data into common statistical software (e.g., NVivo, SAS, SPSS, Stata). Methodological, practical, and ethical considerations are discussed.

Webinar: Health tech is tech: What you should know as you transition into an industry role
Presenter: Gina Merchant, PhD
When: Tuesday, November 10, 11-12PM Eastern Time
Details: The vast majority of careers in the Health Tech industry more closely mirror careers in the Tech industry than they do careers in digital health research in academia. This webinar introduces you to some fundamentals of the Tech Game that will help you transition from a traditional academic role to a career in industry. Dr. Merchant, PhD Public Health, MA Experimental Psychology, has worked in product development and strategy for a market-leading medical device company, a young fast-growing startup, and as a consultant for numerous health tech companies. In this session she (1) outlines common challenges most academics face as they transition; (2) describes the culture shock she experienced (and still experiences) moving from academia to industry; and, (3) highlights need-to-know health tech terminology, incentive structures, and processes that are not commonly understood in academic environments.

Webinar: Who will use it, choose it, and pay the dues for it? Understanding stakeholder needs in healthcare
Presenter: Kate Wolin, ScD
When: Wednesday, October 21, 12-1PM
Details: Healthcare poses a unique set of challenges in that the solutions often have to meet the needs of three different customers – the patient who will use it, the provider who will recommend it and the organization that pays for it. In this session, we bring together health behavior science, user centered design, business model design to discuss strategies and tools to increase the likelihood your solution moves from ideation to implementation.

Webinar: How did you get that job? A career path panel
Moderator: Sherry Pagoto, PhD
Panelists: Dr. Heather Cole-Lewis, PhD, MPH, Director of Behavior Science at a large healthcare company; Dr. Chad Rethorst, PhD, Director of Clinical Research, WW (formerly Weight Watchers); and Dr. Beth Linas, PhD, MHS, not-for-profit public health strategist.
When: Wednesday, September 30, 1PM.
Details: This career path panel featured three health scientists employed outside of academia: Dr. Heather Cole-Lewis, PhD, MPH, Director of Behavior Science at a large healthcare company, Dr. Chad Rethorst, PhD, Director of Clinical Research, WW (formerly Weight Watchers); and Dr. Beth Linas, PhD, MHS, not-for-profit public health strategist. This webinar is geared towards public health and/or behavioral and social science trainees and faculty contemplating a career outside of academia. Panelists shared their experiences making the transition to industry and provide advice on what sort of training experiences to pursue during grad school and otherwise to prepare oneself to be competitive for jobs outside of academia.
Please note this event was live-only; a recording of the panel is not available.

Webinar: How to turn your science into a short video
Presenters: Laurie Groshon and Matthew Schroeder
When: Monday, August 31. 12-1PM
Details: Are you looking for new, creative ways to disseminate your research findings? In this webinar, you’ll learn tips for creating short, engaging, and effective videos as a method for showcasing your work at digital conferences, sharing your findings with the public, and flooding your social networks with easy-to-digest science.

Webinar: Moving your behavioral research online
Presenters: Jessica Bibeau, MA, PMP and Kaylei Arcangel, MS
When: Monday, July 27, 12-1PM
Details: Have you recently needed to transition your research online? The Center for mHealth and Social Media Program Director and Research Coordinator shows you how to achieve this. We cover important considerations, online recruitment, IRB protocols modifications, data collection procedures, staff monitoring techniques and materials.

Research Project Management Webinar Series, Part 2: Developing a plan to guide and manage your projects
Presenters: Jessica Bibeau, MA, PMP
When: Monday, June 15, 12-1PM
Details: How do you keep your projects organized and on task? How do you keep on top of accountability requirements? Welcome to part 2 of the project management webinar series where you will learn about developing a management plan for your projects to create a smooth flow through each project phase, from initiation through closing. Reduce the risk of your project going outside of budget, timeline, and quality expectations. Using guidelines from the Project Management Institute, you will learn how to break down the project scope into smaller pieces and develop a plan for managing each piece. Understanding these formal strategies will help align the research environment to project management standards. The first part “Using project management tools to initiate and plan your projects” is not necessary to view first, but you can check it out here.

Webinar: Large national datasets assessing health-related use of the internet, technology, and social media
Presenters: Molly Waring, PhD
When: Monday, April 6
About: This webinar provided an overview of large, nationally-representative, population-based health datasets that provide information on the use of the internet, technology, and/or social media in the US population. The discussion included how to access the data, an assessment of their strengths and limitations, ethical considerations, methodological considerations including complex sampling and weighted statistical analyses, and interpretation of results.

Webinar: Leveraging social media to recruit research study participants
Presenters: Kaylei Arcangel, MS
When: Monday, February 10, 12-1PM
About: This webinar presented strategies for successful recruitment of study participants using social media, including how to optimize your efforts on different platforms and how to identify and manage fraudulent research participants. Kaylei Arcangel is a Research Coordinator in the Center for mHealth and Social Media and has successfully used social media platforms to recruit hundreds of research participants nationwide.

Webinar: An overview of methods for capturing and examining social media data for health research
Presenter: Molly Waring, PhD
When: Monday, December 9, 12-1PM
Details: Interested in capturing and examining social media data for health research? This webinar will provide an overview of methods for data collection and analysis, including considerations related to study design, research topic, social media platform, ethics, and composition of the research team. Several free/inexpensive tools for capturing data from social media platforms will be discussed.

Research Project Management Webinar Series, Part 1: Using project management tools to initiate and plan your projects
Presenter: Jessica Bibeau, MA, PMP
When: Monday, October 28, 12-1pm
About: Are you so busy that it’s difficult to keep your research projects organized and moving forward on a timely basis? Learn some professional project management strategies to help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your research lab. This webinar is designed to help researchers plan and implement research projects using formal project management strategies put forth by the Project Management Institute. This webinar focuses on the early stages of your project as you plan activities, build your budget, and get your project up and running.

Lecture: Instagram for Academics: A Nuts and Bolts Workshop on How to Use Instagram in Your Work
Date: May 29, 2019
Presenter: Paul Jasper, PhD, Res Group
Instagram is a way to directly connect with thousands, if not millions of people. As academics, it is to our advantage to use this tool to source new ideas, stimulate participation in research studies, to disseminate research findings, and ultimately to build a window into your laboratory, clinic, or Center. Integrating social media into your work represents a significant opportunity for both increased funding, innovative ways to engage with student and patient populations, enhanced student/staff recruitment, and media influence. Dr. Jasper, a full time computational biologist, who also runs a successful woodworking company on Instagram (@copper_pig_fine_woodworking), will discuss the nuts and bolts of Instagram with emphasis on how best to grow on the platform for use in your research and/or to represent yourself as a scientist as well as your laboratory. Topics to be covered include: basics of Instagram, growing your following, content development (i.e., what to post), post format (video vs. picture vs. carousel), posting frequency, features (e.g., stories, chat), organic reach vs. paid promotions, how the algorithm works, etc.

Webinar: How to Write an Effective Seed Grant
Date: December 3, 2018
Presenters: Sherry Pagoto, PhD and Molly Waring, PhD
This webinar details how to write seed grants that lead to externally funded research projects. Specifically, this webinar was hosted by the UConn Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP) and intended to inform your thinking as you write your InCHIP Seed Grant applications.
Webinar: How to Write Op-Eds and Why You Should
Date: 3/22/18
Time: 1-2pm EST
Presented by: The Society of Behavioral Medicine
Speakers: Sherry Pagoto, PhD of UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media & Jamie Bodenlos, PhD of Hobart and William Smith Colleges
This webinar is designed to empower and excite attendees to contribute to and shape the public narrative about health behavior change. Our expertise as behavioral medicine researchers and practitioners gives us an important opportunity to shape how society thinks about health. This webinar will discuss how to get on the road to becoming a thought leader by learning to write for the public. We will focus on op-ed writing which entails building a sound evidence-based, values-based argument that is effective and easily digestible to a broad audience. We will review the basic structure of op-eds and how to pitch to editors. We will also discuss important considerations regarding op-ed writing including time commitment, how it can fit into tenure and promotion, dealing with rejection, and dealing with opposing views.
Register (free for SBM members/$15 for non-members):
Webinar: Developing and Adapting Behavioral Interventions for Social Media Delivery
Date: 12/21/17
Time: 1-2pm EST
Presented by: The Society of Behavioral Medicine
Speakers: Sherry Pagoto, PhD and Ashley Panzarino of UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media
This webinar provides practical guidance on how to develop and/or adapt behavioral intervention content to deliver in private online groups using commercial social media platforms like Facebook. Commercial social media platforms provide a free, confidential means to deliver behavioral programming to groups. Studies have used this model for weight management, smoking cessation, physical activity promotion, and parenting, among other topics. Presenter and SBM President-Elect Sherry Pagoto, PhD, a professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Connecticut, and moderator Danielle Arigo, PhD, discuss user-centered design approaches to developing intervention content that can be distributed via social media posts, engagement strategies, social media marketing principles, and logistical issues (e.g., creating the group, scheduling posts, moderation, tracking engagement). They discuss lessons learned from relevant studies using Facebook and Twitter, and make recommendations for research steps from developmental, pilot, and randomized trial phases. Viewers will learn hands-on skills and have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss challenges.
Recording (free for SBM members/$15 for non-members):
Webinar: How the National Library of Medicine Can Add Evidence to Your Health App
Date: 11/7/17
Presented by: UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media & National Library of Medicine
Speakers: Susan Halpin of National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Sherry Pagoto, PhD of UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media
- Introduce you to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and its free resources
- Demonstrate how NLM resources carry out the mission to improve public health through free digital websites, databases and other educational tools, health and medical training classes and grant funding opportunities
- Provide examples of how these health related resources can add value to your app

Webinar: The New Social Media Playbook, hosted by the Mayo Clinic & Vanderbilt Health.
Date: 9/21/16
Presented by: Lee Aase, Director, Center for Social Media – Mayo Clinic Cynthia Floyd Manley, Director, Content Strategy – Vanderbilt University Medical Center
This program provided a live discussion and Q&A with these leaders, and attendees learned:
- Cutting-edge social media strategies industry leaders are using to strengthen their brand presence and integrity
- How to interact, share, and engage in discussions that are hyper-targeted to niche audiences
- The importance of video and how it has become a critical tool for improving patient experience
- A plan for optimizing staffing and training to ensure consistent brand voice